The VDC Car & Coach Park is designed to accommodate 290 coaches and 600 cars near Wembley Stadium on event days. The one-storey steel structure is designed to accommodate coaches on top of the deck as well as permitting the match day pedestrian movement of some 15,000 fans onto and away from the coaches. Cars are accomodated in a 6 storey car park structure above the coach levels. The site sits south east of the Stadium and to the north of the main railway line into Marylebone. Given the importance of the structure and its proximity to the railway, technical approval had to be obtained from Network Rail. This was led by CRE8 Structures technical team who are experienced in dealing with railway standards and approvals as part of their commission as civil and structural engineering consultant for the project.
The facility is a key project in the delivery programme for the redevelopment of Wembley Park. It enables the continued, safe operation of Wembley Stadium whilst enabling the redevelopment of the surrounding lands to proceed.